Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
AntennaInput.h | |
BaseInput.h | |
c_evlcom.h | |
c_geometry.h | A Class describing the antenna geometry |
c_ggrid.h | |
c_plot_card.h | |
common.h | |
CurrentInput.h | |
electromag.h | |
libnecpp.h | Nec++ Library Functions |
math_util.h | |
matrix_algebra.h | |
misc.h | |
nec2cpp.h | |
nec_context.h | Using nec_context |
nec_debug.h | |
nec_exception.h | |
nec_ground.h | |
nec_output.h | |
nec_radiation_pattern.h | |
nec_results.h | |
nec_structure_currents.h | |
nec_wire.h | |
PowerBudget.h | |
RadiationInput.h | |
safe_array.h | |
typesafe_stdint.h | |
XGetopt.h | |